How 62 years old George Hood Set a World Record by Planking for Over 8 Hours

Athletics Highway
3 min readJul 8, 2023


HomeWorkouts How 62 years old George Hood Set a World Record by Planking for Over 8 Hours

By holding a plank for 8 hours, this 62-year-old man broke the Guinness World Record.

George Hood, a former US Marine and DEA Supervisory Special Agent from Naperville, Illinois, is the world’s top planker once again. He set the Guinness World Record for males holding the plank position for the longest duration.

His official time was 8 hours, 15 minutes, and 15 seconds, according to Guinness. (Reading that made our abs and shoulders hurt.) Hood accepted the challenge in part to support 515 Fitness, a gym that offers psychological counseling in addition to physical training, with the goal of promoting mental health services via fitness.

Hood claims to be in the best form of his life, which isn’t surprising considering the training he did to prepare for the event. In preparation, he planked for nearly 2,100 hours.

Hood told CNN that he spends four to five hours a day on the plank stance. “I then do 700 pushups per day, 2,000 situps per day in sets of 100, and 500 leg squats per day.” I practice about 300 arm curls every day for my upper body and arms.”

He also claims that listening to rock music, particularly Van Halen and Rammstein, helps.

Here’s how Hood prepared for his world-planking record attempt.

George Hood put forth a lot of effort to hold a plank for 8 hours, 15 minutes, and 15 seconds and establish a new world record. For 18 months, the 62-year-old former Marine said he exercised for seven hours a day, four of which were spent in the plank position.

While physical preparation was important, mental training was much more important in achieving the astounding achievement. “There are times when you doubt yourself,” Hood said to CNBC. “You become bored. You’re wondering if it’s really worth anything.”

Hood sought the aid of Renae Cobley, a world-renowned mindset coach who has assisted elite athletes and corporate executives in reaching their maximum potential. The world record holder, who is currently aiming to smash the record for most push-ups in an hour (2,806 is the figure to beat), would contact the Australia-based mental coach to discuss how to overcome obstacles such as his ego.

“Ego gets in the way so much,” Cobley explained to Muscle & Fitness. “Having an ego can be beneficial, but in many cases, it prevents us from achieving our goals.” Ego, according to Cobley, is the most significant barrier that individuals confront while attempting to do something, such as getting a solid exercise, resolving a personal issue, or maintaining a plank for more than eight hours.

She went on to say that the ego is a false sense of self-importance that can lead to stress. “Stress causes us to overfocus on our bodies, time, and the environment,” she explains. “Wisdom takes us there and cleanses our ego.” Because it is merely thoughts, the concept of self might be an impediment. Wisdom reveals the traps of the ego, our natural intellect.”

We’ll go through some of the advice Cobley provided Hood during his training to help him overcome his ego. Use them to overcome any challenges that may stand in your way.

Imagine yourself as a tree

Hood’s next goal is to shatter the Guinness World Record for the most push-ups in one hour. Carlton Williams of Australia now holds the record, having done 2,682 push-ups in 60 minutes in 2017.

Originally published at on July 8, 2023.

